Uses of Interface
Packages that use Root
Uses of Root in jakarta.persistence.criteria
Methods in jakarta.persistence.criteria that return RootModifier and TypeMethodDescription<Y> Root
<Y> Create a subquery root correlated to a root of the enclosing query.<X> Root
<X> AbstractQuery.from
(EntityType<X> entity) Create and add a query root corresponding to the given entity, forming a cartesian product with any existing roots.<X> Root
<X> Create and add a query root corresponding to the given entity, forming a cartesian product with any existing roots.CriteriaDelete.from
(EntityType<T> entity) Create and add a query root corresponding to the entity that is the target of the DELETE.Create and add a query root corresponding to the entity that is the target of the DELETE.CriteriaUpdate.from
(EntityType<T> entity) Create and add a query root corresponding to the entity that is the target of the update.Create and add a query root corresponding to the entity that is the target of the update.CriteriaDelete.getRoot()
Return the query root.CriteriaUpdate.getRoot()
Return the query root.<X,
T extends X>
Root<T> Downcast Root object to the specified type.Methods in jakarta.persistence.criteria that return types with arguments of type RootMethods in jakarta.persistence.criteria with parameters of type Root